Laurie booth
Survived boarding school.
The travel years. Hitched around North Africa, London- Delhi and back (via Afghanistan).
Vipasana retreats in India. Yoga.
Dartington College of Arts 1975-78.
Theatre and Movement for Performance (Release, Contact Improvisation with Mary Fulkerson and Steve Paxton).
Physical theatre with Triple Action Theatre ( UK. and Poland) 1979.
Dance career begins 1980- 2004.
Solo performances ( 40 plus ) ,teaching and continuous training
(Aikido, Capoeira, Pilates, Gyrotonic(R) Instructor).
Develops choreographic style based on indeterminate structures.
Artistic collaborations with composers and visual artists. Choreographs for several major dance companies.
(Philip Jeck, Rambert Dance, Duncan MacAskill, Harry De Wit, Dutch National Ballet, Hans Peter Kuhn, Gavin Bryars, DJ.
Scanner, Anish Kapoor, Globe Theatre, Union Dance, Dance for Four; Channel Four).
Long term dance partner with Russell Maliphant, Ellen van Schuylenburch and Gary Lambert.
Long term working relationship with Philip Jeck and Hans Peter Kuhn.
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